Wednesday, January 30, 2013

CD Review: Iarla O Lionaird's 'Foxlight'


Ethereal world music is Iarla’s middle name—in fact, it is his entire name. Working with the Afro Celt Sound System, Iarla set the stage for success with a solo career. Hailing from Ireland, Iarla sings contemporary Gaelic songs that incorporate a plethora of pleasant percussion, sweeping electronic washes, and twinkling string arrangements. Leo Abrahams plays a large role in programming, special effects, electric guitar and piano. “Daybreak” is a meditative song with vocals akin to Girish. Interestingly, the addition of Sara Marielle Gaup from Norway is a talented and necessary part of “Daybreak,” since she adds some joik, which is Sami vocal music that is similar to Central Asian throat-singing. The relative low-key vocals and instrumentation provide a new age element throughout. However, world music renderings are evident with soulful vocals, soothing instrumentation, and plaintive percussion. The dozen tracks are an insightful romp through the musical repertoire of a candid and creative performer. ~ Matthew Forss  

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